Sunday, September 12, 2010

Where was I?

Ah yes... Hello again dear friends!

Unfortunately, time has once again slipped past me! Where did the summer go? It seemed like it would last forever. The melodic breeze through the trees, the sunshine on the hot beach sand, calm starry nights... what happened? It was hot (for MN standards) for weeks and weeks. Then we had two days of 'cool', and splat- now it is autumn! The warm clothing has been dug out of it's closet alcoves, and leaves are already beginning to redden on the trees. Ahh, I love this time of year. September is probably my favorite month, filled with newly sharpened pencils and squirrels busily searching for food.

Classes have begun too! I have two of my favorite professors this term- Francine for French and Dave for Accounting. They are ironically both my major advisors too, so that makes it much easier. I'm so relieved that I signed up for 3 classes, instead of my usual 4-5. Int. Accounting is already taking up much of my time, and French Composition will be incredibly challenging. As if writing essays in English wasn't bad enough, I'm going to be spending so much time writing them in French- and in a French mindset instead of just trying to translate. It's going to be good for me though.... (I hope!)
I'm also taking a Philosophy course- which I'm absolutely enamored with at the moment. I adore my Phil professor, and she's a knitter! I don't feel so bad about knitting in class now. The funny part is, I actually know her through a friend on Ravelry... so I'm already "in" with her.

I've already had my mind blown with the questions asked like "Why are you alive?" and "Why is there something, when there could be nothing?" It really gets to the root of my brain, and pulls the theology and religion in right with it. It's going to probably be one of my fav classes, and I've only had 1 session so far!

Oh, and did I mention I'm going to France? I'm having one of those blonde-teenage-girl OMG moments. (But not really. I'm calm, cool, and collected.) It's just so thrilling to think about! I'll be studying in Paris (the city of lights itself), and will be finally living on my own. I feel like my life is revving into gear now. I'll even be able to take classes at the Sorbonne or the Catholic Institute. How amazing is that?

The only problem is that I will have to have one small suitcase for clothing, and one huge suitcase for my yarn! It's already so hard to think about what I want to bring! I mean... it's 6 months of knitting. (That's a lot of knitting for me.)

In the present meantime, I've been back into reading. I'm enjoying my Plato tonight, along with finishing Eclipse. It's always nice to re-read the saga when I'm feeling down. I've finally been able to see how I react though. I'm so used to reading them alone! I've had to control all my sighs, giggles, laughter, and tears since I've had to tow them to campus. I've realized that I go through just about the entire spectrum of my emotions when I read each book.

I've been thinking about getting a Kindle/Nook so that I don't have to spend money on the extra baggage when I bring all my books to France too. We'll see though.

Knitting News:
Well, I overdid it on my HP Double OWL. I planned to do 4 pairs of socks, plus two shawls... in 3 months. Let's hope I can do it!
I'm also working on classes- some fun bunnies, Thermis, nosewarmer, 2 pairs of socks, etc. It's going to be epic if I can finish in time! I only have what... 3 weeks? I should probably get on top of that, huh?


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Summer Lovin'

Ah yes... It's July already!

Excuse my shameful posting un-ability. Can I say that I haven't had time? I've been a busy bee knitting away, and the summer is just floating right through my hands like a silk rope. I've barely had time to look up from my knitting/books to even assess my life. (This is my fancy way of saying that my room is a mess and messages have been ignored.)

Eclipse came and went. I will not admit how many times I've seen it already. It's been so much fun to see it with the quite different array of people I've seen it with! I wish there was something else out in theaters that is good though... I guess that's the Summer Movie Lineup though!

Basilica BP was fantastic this year! I had such a blast. Plus it seems like everyone from my high school was there. :/
Weezer rocked everyone out. (I've got the mosh bruises to prove it!) They played just about every one of their classified "really great" songs. I was really surprised to find how great Eric Hutchinson live is. He was very funny onstage, even making up his own song about "I'm Wearing Sunglasses But I'm Not A Jerk". And of course Spoon was their lovely wonderful selves. I'm blanking on the other great bands that I caught some good clips of... We also got a fun tour of the Basilica itself. I was totally history-geeking out. (Which I think made the tour guide a little nervous!)

I've decided that Impressionism is my favorite style of art. Yes, it even beats out some Rococo! I'm just amazed after buying a few books on the subject. Just thought I'd share! :)

Reading is going along slowly but surely. I'm doing about a book/week, but hopefully I can just read my way through August and finish the massive pile of library books before classes begin again! That Deuxieme Sexe is just calling my name to read it, but it's so huge I'm scared to pick it up when I'm so busy now.

Knit Update- Ugh, I'm only about 40% through my blanket. Why didn't I choose a simpler blanket pattern? Why did I chose a worsted weight blanket to do in July? I keep hitting my head against the desk... but it really doesn't do any good because I waste time complaining when I really should be knitting my heart out to get it done in time. Not to mention that I have my 2nd sock to do before Thursday. O.O Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize! I'm trying not even to think about the rest of my HP classes. Otherwise, my blanket would never get done.

Until next time,
Cheers- Ness

Saturday, June 5, 2010

She's Back

Excuse my hiatus, I'm long overdue on a blog post! There have been all these little things accumulating in my life, but nothing seemingly substantial enough to post.

So... what's new you ask? How did it become June?! May just whizzed by, and it strikes fear into my heart that the summer will follow in this fashion. I've read about 13 books (go me!), done so many knitting projects, and have been working too much (as per usual).

Totally finished with the Harris series. They were absolutely adorable, but sometimes a girl just wants a little closure! I just keep trying to figure out if S will end up with one guy or another. A little frustrating, but juicy and entertaining nonetheless. It's been beautiful outside, so it seems wrong to have the doldrums of Crime and Punishment as my reading material right now, but it does keep a nice balance. I'm almost finished with it, and it definitely is keeping me on the edge of my seat. Let's hope the following in my book list is a little more upbeat {crosses fingers}.

Knitting! I am always astounded that my knitting world can exponentially expand as it does. More ideas to knit, more yarn brilliance, etc. If I could, I would try to find a career in knitting. Wouldn't that be nice? It's so hard to think about ways to make a career out of knitting though. It's not a lucrative field, to say the least.

I'm so proud of myself, last month I completed all my classes for HPKCHC! 6 whole projects, plus I was an OWL TA. Not to mention I had finals, and had to finish my courses. I really hope I can keep up my shining record this month. The only problem is that I have set my sights much too high. All my ideas for classes are socks. Socks usually take me 2 weeks to do. Since there are only 4 weeks in June... that would be a grand total of 2 pairs. Not the 5 that I would wish to do. The good news is that I have 1.5 socks done, and it's only the 5th!

Did I mention that I'm knitting a blanket too? Oh yes, not only do I have to do all those classes... but my OWL is a blanket. A LACE blanket. I have to finish 1/2 of it by the 30th. So far I'm only 25 rows in. ::headdesk::

...and I did a test knit! (It's secret but my head is still spinning that I finished that too!)

Anyways, I am trying to focus my inner battles of self-discovery and nostalgia into my socks. That way, I might be able to finish them in time!

Cheers, Ness

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Someone Saved My Life Tonight

As I sang loudly to Elton's Someone Saved My Life Tonight song that played over the radio tonight, I had no idea that the words would come true.

I work at a restaurant right? So after a quizzical odor that I can only describe as "electrical burning plastic", a co-worker noticed smoke coming out of the air vents. Needless to say, we all had to evacuate and the fire dept. came! It was quite an exciting night. We were almost done closing, so everyone else went home. I'm an OCD candidate so after the firemen left, I helped finish the floors, etc. Once I got home (an hour after I was expected...) I heard the sultry sounds of the of a firetruck moving towards work. I sure hope it wasn't going back! Otherwise... I might have to get a temp job.

So now I'm still running off adrenaline and will most likely not get any sleep tonight. With a list the length of my arm of things to do... I guess it works out. I'm working my way through Charlaine Harris's novels, along with my classical lit study. It's interesting to go back and forth between the fun vamp stories and heavy ones like Infinite Jest.

I was one of the lucky few to get a Vineyard DIS kit today at the Sunshine update! It's all in my favorite color: purple. How could I resist? I was really hoping to avoid the whole DIS kit, considering it's a very time-consuming scarf. Oh well.

Oh look... there goes April! I just can't believe how time flies in college! It must be all of the new discoveries, and the fact that all my free time is taken by reading or knitting. I was hoping to finish more of my WIPs in April, along with some socks for mum for Mother's Day, and socks for a friend's bday coming up. It looks like I just might slide by with the last two, but I can hardly begin to work on my neglected projects with a major stack of homework and reading in the way!

Right now is the "calm before the storm". (Did I mention this before?) I was hoping to be able to kick back more and steadily work on final presentations, projects, etc. But-- it looks like I'm forever delayed because of all of the "pop" things my profs have been sending my way. Love the "Oh yes, and please write a small 4 page paper on this account". I know 4 pages is "small" in comparison with my other 12 page-rs, but I'm just beat to a pulp right now and would really love a break.

Plus, netflix is also throwing a wrench in my life. Most of my top list are movies that are foreign, so that means I have to pay attention. No knitting. No writing. Ugh. It's ok though, I'm really enjoying them when I can. (Life of Brian... classic! Departures is a must see. It's just lovely.)

Ok, so there is a glance at the Life of Ness. Off I go to cross a few things off the list and pity my single-ness...


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Spin Out

After much anticipation, my Sunshine rovings arrived today (or tonight I should say). I got everything ready, quartered the fiber... several times. I thought I was doing a pretty good job, and it took FOREVER! I literally watched an entire 2 hour movie during the process.

Then I got it onto the drop spindle, and began the twisting process. Major fail. It was way more worsted and uneven than I had expected! Plus, I really cannot get the joining/fusing process at all. This is definitely not my thing. It's way, way, way more hard to learn this than it was to learn to knit!

So yes, we'll see if I go back to it, but I'm thinking no right now. I've been trying to knock out a super secret project for a friend lately, and then after that we can go back to the regular scheduled knitting.

Ugh, I'm exhausted.
Cheers, Ness

Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring Break

It's the time of year when I get to sleep in and read my kind of books! I love spring break. I've started to go running again and it feels great! Hopefully I can shed some of this winter weight before summer comes along with all of it's swimsuit-ness.

Thank goodness March is over. Blah. Now I get to rev up the engine and work on whatever I want until May. I'm not even going to have a plan for April. Spring is the time for cleaning out all of the junk and re-ordering life. A time for opening those dusty windows and setting those goals back on their tracks.

I surprised myself and finished both my Cardigan and Dragon Scarf on time! Phew! Now I get to work on the little stuff and don't have any swaps or HP classes for a while. Awesome? Yes.

So what is (or was) the best part of my spring break? No homework. Yep- that's right! All of my big projects/papers were due before the break, so I got to relax ALL week! Side note: I've had to read the Aeneid, but that hasn't been so much of a burden. I've made several trips to B&N and as if my library stacks weren't high enough, I got a few more books for the shelf! I'm crossing my fingers that summer will come soon so that I can really dig into all of them! I just finished some wonderful Baudelaire poems and got a few chapters into Candide, Invisible Man, and Dead Until Dark. Wow- talk about variety!

Ok, so I know that I said no to 'knitting plans'... but I'm going to call this my 'list of what's going on'- just so that I can see it. (I know.. but I'm such a list maniac that it's weird to not make one!)
- Burnin' Rubber
- DtRH Socks
- Meadow Scarf (need to cast on..)

To be true to my spring goals, I also really need to tackle: cleaning the closet, ironing pile, and vacuuming the car.
Ready... Set... Go!

Cheers, Ness

Sunday, March 21, 2010

So Little Time

I think I will be forever impaled by sickness. Feeling crummy again today- I slept from 2pm until 10pm after work, and I know I'm going to sleep for another 6 hours yet tonight.

Washcloths were just about done- I did 5/7 so I'm glad for that! I also get to send them to their homes tomorrow, which will be a nice surprise!

Below is what will be in actuality to get done. Unfortunately.

HP March Classes:
- Charms: WIP
- Potions: Dragon Scarf
- DADA: Cornflower Cardigan

Round 2 of my library books came this week. Once again I found myself with a large armful of books! Spring break is next week, so I will certainly be a busy girl! Already finished Ethan Frome, and currently working on Memoirs of a Geisha and "Le Deuxieme Sexe" aka The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoire- a very large book with some great insights on women.

TTFN! - Ness

Ps: sorry if my title makes you think about the Olson Twins. It did for me after I thought about it!